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The spiritual theme for 2021 is “Rooted in Christ” based on Colossians 2:6-7:

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”


As the spiritual theme team considered the focus for the year, particularly after the disruptions experienced over the past 18 months, we wanted to remind ourselves and our students where our roots and identity are found. We recognized that for many of us, our regular patterns of church attendance and other spiritual disciplines have been interrupted. Earlier this summer, the administrators reviewed Spiritual Practices Common to Kids Who Flourish as Adults and talked about ways in which we can continue to emphasize Bible reading, prayer, service, Christian music, and a strong culture at school. We also considered ways to encourage and equip families in helping their children be “firmly rooted” through spiritual practices at home. 

To select the theme, the team invited staff and high school students to submit ideas, and we received many great verses and themes. A multi-campus group, consisting of Bible teachers, chapel coordinators and administrators, then met to discuss the selection of the spiritual theme for the coming year. We were looking for a key biblical concept that would have substantial breadth and depth for a year-long focus. We tried to identify something that is as meaningful to a three-year-old as to an eighty-three-year-old. We always try to build on spiritual themes from previous years to provide continuity and to ensure that we are covering a variety of themes. 

There are several reasons that we believe it is important to focus on a spiritual theme. It provides the school community the opportunity to learn and investigate God’s word together. We are able to spend a year focused on a key concept in scripture that we can explore in music, visual art and words. It allows us to meditate on multi-faceted biblical gems. We’ve often marveled at how the Holy Spirit has used the theme to prepare us for events that we could never have anticipated. 

We can’t wait to explore this theme together as a school community! Please continue to be in prayer for our school community as we embark on this important theme work this school year.

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