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Eastern Christian School was thrilled to welcome nearly 100 Preschool students on their first day of school on Tuesday, September 3, including over 60 families who are new to Eastern Christian this year! With the addition of a fourth preschool class this year, we are able to accommodate more little ones and introduce families to the joys of Christian education. We now enroll students as young as 2 1/2 in our PK3 class, in addition to having two PK4 classes and a Transitional Kindergarten class. Our Preschool families have many options, including half and full day programs, and a choice of sending their children 2-5 days a week. 

Eastern Christian’s experienced and loving Preschool staff went above and beyond to help our youngest students feel loved as they transition into school, some for the very first time. Our Preschool teachers have many exciting learning stations set up in their classrooms for children to learn in the way they do best – through play! Preschool teacher Sarah VanderWall has stepped up as the first full-time preschool teacher. She is creating fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate curriculum activities for full day students to enjoy each afternoon. The first weeks in Preschool are always busy for students and staff alike as everyone adjusts to new routines, but we are off to a great start and the future of our school year is looking bright! 

When I asked some of our Preschool students about their first days at school, they were happy to share! I’ll let their comments speak for themselves:

What do you love about Preschool?

“Playing in the kitchen!” – Victoria

“Swinging on the new playground!” – Jayden

“All my friends!” – Bennett

“You!” – Bryce


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