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Clear skies and a warm sunny day?  I wondered if I had shown up on the wrong day?  We’ve had so many overcast and rainy golf outings that we were surprised and delighted with the day that God gave us this year.

On Monday, May 21, 2018, 128 men and women came out to generously support Eastern Christian School at Black Bear Golf Club in Franklin, NJ.  It was a glorious day where sunglasses, hats, and suntan lotion were required gear. While the course was still a bit wet from previous consecutive days of rain everyone’s spirits were high and competition was intense.

This year’s outing added multiple Hole in One prizes, including a Harley Davidson Motorcycle provided by  Bergen Harley Davidson. In addition, there was the perennial Beat the Golf Team hole where golf team members Sam Faber ‘20 and Clay Sietsma ‘18 challenged our golfers to best their shots.  

We began the day with a putting contest and a barbecue lunch.  The scramble format began at 1:00 PM and all of us enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner at the end of the day while prize winners were randomly selected by members of the Golf Committee.

This year’s contest winners were:

  • Putting Contest:  Michael Kraai
  • Closest to the Pin on #5 and #7: Mark Kuperus
  • Long Drive #6: Matt Van Grouw
  • Long Drive #13 Noah Hagedoorn
  • Closest to the Line #9: Dan DeVries
  • 3rd Place with -11
    • Scott Sietmsa, Steve Lagerveld, Peter Ten Kate, David Ten Kate
  • 2nd Place with -13
    • Brian Van Grouw, Justin Van Grouw, Ryan Van Grouw, Matt Van Grouw
  • 1st Place with -13
    • Albert Costello, Peter Costello, Dan DeVries, Tom DeVries


Thanks to our Golf Committee Kurt Faber, Chairman, Henry Hagedoorn, Dwayne Leegwater, Scott Martin, and Bill Van Hoff; and to volunteers Sue Leegwater and Laura Steenstra. This group of volunteers solicited sponsors and prizes to help make the event a success and then managed all the details for the day.

Special thanks to Platinum Sponsor Atlantic Stewardship Bank; Golfer Gift Sponsor Visbeen Construction Co.; Beverage Sponsor Jeff Vander Molen and Terrie O’Connor Realtors; Gold Sponsor Bushoven & Company; Silver Sponsors Abbey Carpet and Floors, Kuiken Bros. Co., Leegwater Electric, Martin Orthodontics, Regency Wealth Management, Reiner Group, Search Consultants of North Jersey, and Wayne Tile; Putting Contest Sponsor Ken Steenstra Landscaping; and to many other Hole and Prize Sponsors.

The combined efforts of volunteers, sponsors, and players raised $40,000.00 for Eastern Christian School.  Thanks to everyone for another great golf outing. See you next year!