Posts from February 2016

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EC Remembers Coach Hoffman

Last year, the Eastern Christian School Community lost a friend and leader in coach Dan Hoffman. Coach Hoffman lost his battle to cancer. As our former Varsity Boys basketball coach, he left behind a legacy of an improved basketball program and a team and community that mourns this loss. Last night's Community Basketball Night featured…

EC Accreditation Team Blog Series: Post 3

Eastern Christian School is Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. What is Accreditation? Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition that maintains suitable standards. Why do we pursue Accreditation? Accreditation is necessary to any person or institution in education that needs to prove that they meet a general standard of quality.…

EC Celebrates One Year of Variable Tuition

  It's been exactly a year since we launched the Variable Tuition program and what a year it's been! Variable Tuition has opened the door to a quality, Christian education at Eastern Christian School to more families. We've seen story after story of families who have joined our community as a result of this program.…

Father Daughter Dessert Night 2016

By Michelle Lazor, ECES PTO On February 5, ECES had our first Father Daughter Dessert Night! The PTO planning committee was excited to offer an opportunity for fathers and daughters to spend time having fun together and getting to know each other a bit more. Building the father daughter relationship is so important, and the PTO wanted to help…

The First Saturday was SUPER!

EC's first ever Super Saturday was this past weekend, and it was as fun as advertised! Students ages 3-10 were treated to fun fitness stations, to good food and friends, a Caricature artist, and to the thrill of the enormous "Vertical Rush" inflatable slide. We had over 60 students visit us- both from current EC…

2016-2017 School Calendar Approved

In addition to our web calendar, we have a downloadable version of all the important dates for the 2016-2017 school year. This calendar has been finalized and approved by the board, so feel free to mark your calendars with important dates for next school year! Printable Calendar 2016-2017

Eastern Christian School Announces Full Day Preschool

You asked for it- and we listened! The Eastern Christian Preschool Program is proud to announce full day Preschool options for families with children ages 3-5. For years, we have offered Full Day Kindergarten as an option for families. The 2016-17 School Year will mark the first year where EC families can have full day schooling options for…

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